
Our Mission

  An interscholastic athletic program as a co-curricular activity is an integral part of the total education and growth experience at Notre Dame High School. Athletics is designed to affirm and promote the Catholic values and engage student-athletes fully in mind, body and spirit. Student-athletes, coaches and parents are called upon to work together in true spirit of sportsmanship to assist in creating an environment in which those Catholic values can be revealed, tested, and proven relevant both to participants and the entire school community. 

  Through participation in athletics at Notre Dame High School, students will mature physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. They will learn to take responsibility for personal growth by developing loyalty, pride, integrity and commitment. Athletics provides the opportunity for a student-athlete to exhibit a progression of physical skills and knowledge of a particular sport, enabling them to apply these skills and knowledge to new situations and a variety of learning formats.

Our Philosophy

The interscholastic athletic program is an integral part of the total educational and growth experience at Notre Dame High School. It provides an environment where a student may develop and refine athletic skills, test those skills through suitable competition, and develop leadership and sportsmanship. Our athletic philosophy is designed to support and affirm the mission statement of Notre Dame High School. 

Students and parents are expected to conduct themselves in a positive manner, displaying good sportsmanship at all times, both as participants and as spectators at all athletic events. While winning and losing are components of interscholastic sports, competition and participation are emphasized at Notre Dame High School and are the means by which students are guided to integrate the values of respect for one's body, sportsmanship, loyalty, cooperation, respect for others and fitness into their lives.  

Haider Spine Center - Athletics Sponsor


Rory Carlton

Athletic Director