Notre Dame High School Athletic Association 



The name of this unincorporated non-profit organization shall be the Notre Dame High School Athletic Association (hereinafter "NDHSAA"). 


Section 1: The purpose of the NDHSAA is to meld and strengthen the efforts of the alumni of Notre Dame High School, the parents of students of Notre Dame High School and the administration of Notre Dame High School in supporting the athletic programs at Notre Dame High School. 

Section 2: NDHSAA shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the Diocese of San Bernardino and Notre Dame High School. 

Section 3: The NDHSAA shall be responsible for planning, organizing, executing fundraising activities to support NDHS Athletic programs and to disburse such funds raised in support of NDHS Athletic programs. 


Alumni of Notre Dame High School Riverside, California, and parents who have, or had, a child on any Notre Dame High School Athletic Team Riverside, California, is eligible to become a member of the NDHSAA. In addition, the Principal, the President, Athletic Director and Associate Athletic Director of Notre Dame High School Riverside, California are members of NDHSAA. 

Any eligible person who desires to join NDHSAA must inform, in writing, an officer or Board Member of NDHSAA of their desire to join NDHSAA. The written notice must contain the person's name, email address and telephone number. Upon receipt of the written notice by an officer or Board Member, the new member shall be entered on the Membership Rolls by the Secretary and the new member shall have all rights and privileges as a member of NDHSAA. 


Section 1: NDHSAA shall be governed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of 9 Directors. There shall also be a Chairman of the Board of Directors. The agenda shall be set and meetings shall be conducted by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. In addition, the administration of Notre Dame High School shall have the right to appoint one of the 9 directors to the Board. 

Section 2: The Directors shall be voted upon, individually, at a general meeting of members of NDHSAA (with the exception of the Administration Director). The meeting must be attended by at least a quorum of members of NDHSAA. All candidates for the Board shall be listed in alphabetical order. Each member shall vote yes or no on each candidate. The candidates shall then be listed from the ones who received the most yes votes to those who received the least yes votes. The Board vacancies will be filled starting from the member who received the most yes votes to those who received the least yes votes, until all Board vacancies are filled. If the Chairman of the Board of Directors position is vacant at any time, the Board of Directors shall conduct a vote and the Board member who receives the most votes shall be named Chairman of the Board of Directors. 

Section 3: Each director shall serve a three year term, commencing on the date of their election/appointment and ending at the next Membership meeting after the director's three year term has expired. 

Section 4: Any vacancy that arises among the Board of Directors shall be filled a member of the NDHSAA chosen by a majority of the current directors (with the exception of the Administration Director). The replacement director shall serve the remaining term of the director who was replaced.

Section 5: The Board of Directors shall meet at least 4 times a calendar year. In addition to the mandatory meetings, a meeting can be called by the President of NDHSAA, or by three Directors, upon 72 hour notice (written or oral) to all the directors. 

Section 6: The Board of Directors is empowered to undertake all actions and make all decisions regarding NDHSAA's mission to support and assist athletic programs at Notre Dame High School. Those actions include, but are not limited to: 

  • Explore, assess and approve all projects that will receive funding from NDHSAA; 
  • Plan, organize and execute fundraising activities to support the athletic program at Notre Dame High School School; 
  • Disburse funds raised by NDHSAA to support and assist the athletic programs at Notre Dame High School. 

Section 7: Any decision of the Board of Directors in regards to the duties described in Section 6 must be approved by a majority of the directors attending a Board meeting. Any Board meeting must be attended by a quorum of Board members in order to make any decisions regarding duties described in Section 6. 

Section 8: Due to the logistical issues surrounding the creation of the NDHSAA, 5 of the initial directors shall be appointed by the President of Notre Dame High School. These five directors shall only have a 6 month term. At the end of that 6 month term, a general membership meeting shall be held and an election for all 9 directors shall be conducted (will the exception of the Administration Director). 


Section 1: The day to day operations of NDHSAA shall be conducted by the officers of NDHSFC. The officers of NDHSAA shall consist of the President, a Vice President presenting each sport at Notre Dame High School (chosen from Alumni who played that particular sport and/or a parent of a child who played that particular sport), Secretary, Treasurer and Administration Treasurer. 

Section 2: Only members of the NDHSAA are eligible to be officers of NDHSAA (with the exception of the Administration Treasurer). The officers of NDHSFC shall be elected by a majority of the Board of Directors of NDHSAA present at a meeting of the NDHSAA (with the exception of the administration Treasurer). There must be a quorum of Board Members in attendance in order to elect officers. 

Section 3: The officers shall serve a two year term. 

Section 4: The duties of the officers shall be as follows: 

  • The President shall set the agenda and preside over all regular meetings and special meetings of NDHSAA. The President shall execute the day to day operations of NDHSAA, with the support of the other officers.
  • The Vice-Presidents shall perform all the duties of the President when he or she is not present at a meeting. The President shall appoint the individual Vice-President to act in the President's absence. In addition, the Vice-Presidents will endeavor to learn the duties of the President and run for the position of President immediately after a Vice-President's term is complete. The Vice Presidents shall perform any additional tasks and duties of the President and run for the position of President immediately after a Vice-President's term is complete. The Vice Presidents shall perform any additional tasks and duties conferred upon them by current President. 
  • The Secretary shall preserve all reports and documents committed to his/her care, record minutes of all meetings, handle all correspondence of the NDHSAA and send out all required notices. The Secretary shall also maintain Membership Rolls of all members of NDHSAA. If a member fails to attend two consecutive general meetings, then that member shall be removed from the Membership Rolls. The removed member may rejoin to an officer or board Member of NDHSAA. 
  • The Treasurer shall maintain all records of financial transactions and report to the membership NDHSAA. 
  • An administration Treasurer shall also be appointed by the administration of Notre Dame High School to review and monitor NDHSAA financial transactions.


Section 1: Each director shall serve a three year term, commencing on the date of their election and ending at the next Membership meeting after the director's three year term has expired. 

Section 2: Nomination for Board of Directors can be made at any meeting of the membership of NDHSAA. Nominations can also be taken from the floor at the time of the election. 

Section 3: Election of new directors shall occur at any general meeting where a director vacancy exists (other than a situation where a director has failed to complete their three year therm and the vacancy has been filled by direct appointment by the Board of Directors). 

Section 4: Any director appointed by the board due to a vacancy created by a director failing to complete his or her three year term shall fulfill the departed director's term and then must stand for election in a general membership meeting. 

Section 5: Any vacancy that arises among the officers shall be filled with a member of NDHSAA meeting chosen at a meeting of a quorum of directors at a NDHSAA meeting immediately after the vacancy occurs. The replacement officer shall serve the remaining term of the officer who was replaced. 


Section 1: The Board of Directors shall meet at least 4 times a calendar year. The officers of the NDHSAA shall meet at least once a month during their term. General meetings of the members shall be held at least once a calendar year and called as needed. Special meetings for Board of Directors and/or Members may be called by the President or by the President or by a majority of the officers, or by any 3 Board Members. No special meeting of the members of NDHSAA shall be called without 72 hours notice via email and/or text to each member at their email address and/or cellphone number listed on the Membership Rolls. No special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be called without 72 hours written or oral notice to all directors. All meetings may be held remotely via any online service such as Zoom. 


The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of Board and general member meetings. 


Section 1: All expenditures/allocation of funds shall be voted upon and approved in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII, Sections 2-5. 

Section 2: The officers of the NDHSAA shall make decisions as to allocation of funds, and other matters, by a majority vote of the officers for all matters involving amounts less than $1,000 in the aggregate. All other decisions regarding monies shall be made by a majority of directors at a Board of Directors meeting, attended by a quorum of directors. 

Section 3: All monies raised by the NDHSAA shall be deposited in a separate account with Notre Dame High School. No monies shall be withdrawn from the account without compliance with the provisions in Article VIII, Sections 2-5. 

Section 4: Funds raised during any fiscal year, in excess of those needed to meet the approved allocation/expenditures of the NDHS Athletic program, may be used for general sports purposes, as agreed upon by a majority of the Board of Directors. 

Section 5: In an effort to comply with security and financial oversight, no NDHSAA funds may be disbursed without the approval of the administration Treasurer. 


Section 1: These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present during a general meeting. There must be a quorum of members present at any general meeting to approve any amendments to these Bylaws. 

Section 2: The Secretary shall notify each member of the Association at least two weeks prior to the vote on any amendments to these Bylaws. 


Section 1: A quorum for the purposes of a Board of Directors meeting is a majority of Directors on the Board. A quorum for the purposes of a general membership meeting is 10% of the registered members on the Membership Rolls immediately preceding the meeting. 

Section 2: The fiscal year for the NDHSAA shall run from July 1 to June 30.